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E-Cigarette Is Getting More And More Support


As time goes by,e-cigarette has got more and more support.This all comes from its  element,which includes non-nicontine,its variious styles and different tastes.

Janice Atkinson is an active supporter of the UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) . Yourself as a non-smoker holds the new policy seeks to impose the EU Commission , for nonsensical. The 4mg limit is so absurd that you do not have to think twice what is actually going on here : And of course this is the love of money .
More and more new regulations are planned that do not really serve the consumer, but rather represent selfish gains in the foreground and also try to prescribe how one has to live for . Will the e -cigarette actually still classified as a drug , the winning side were back in the pharmaceutical industry. The previously created market as it is at the moment , would eventually collapse , but also makes more and more apparent in recent months .
But as soon as now also express proponents of medical side and speak positively to the e-cigarette, finally, the federal government is growing . In an article in the Huffington Post Janice Atkinson quoted from a summary of Godfrey Bloom , that “10,000 lobbyists alone pursue their own interests,” giving the impression that one is not really given “fair agreement ” .

Pharmaceutical industry is more and more into the red

The pharmaceutical industry can not shine with nicotine replacement products currently . But nicotine chewing gum and patches could not prevail quite strong not only in financial terms . Many smokers who have tried it, is to wean the nicotine consumption , failed and went back to tobacco cigarette. Now that ‘s an alternative to tobacco cigarette with the e-cigarette exists , of course , sales fell even further in the cellar. Another minus is looking towards the market for sequelae of smoking when the smoking , change in the future , the e- cigarette.
In the medical field , such as the Royal College of Physicians (RCP ), a medical association in the UK, the e -cigarette but rather receives encouragement. “Nicotine itself is not a particularly dangerous drug – it has about the same effect as caffeine ” as the RCP said. But these are not the only supporters . Representatives from the medical beat now increasingly on the side of the e-cigarette, which is of course the argument of the federal government could take the wind out of the sails . Preferred in this case arguments are used to highlight the threat to the public health.
Power games are more important than the welfare of consumers.
Janice also explained that the e -cigarette could with the support by the UKIP expected . As far as four members of the European Parliament , UKIP have declared opposition to the EU Directive. Expressed Godfrey Bloom of UKIP that he intended , in September , to vote against the Tobacco Products Directive . It is likely that other supporters will come to light.
Many sites promise you an advantage from the enforcement of the new tobacco product directive , but this advantage is always associated with money. This is evident in particular , as the tobacco cigarette does not threaten the same ills as the liquids for e- cigarette. After all, you deserve to continue through the tobacco tax .
This makes even more clear that the EU Commission will have the controls , when it comes to their tax revenues. Consumer welfare which is used rather secondary or as a means to an end.

Hold an extreme anti-right attitude to electronic cigarettes may be unwise.