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How Is An E-Cigarette Handled?


E-cigarettes are also called starter kits usually in the complete set. With one, two or three e-cigarettes. This includes the charger for the battery, atomizer / vaporizer and the mouthpieces / depots, which are filled with the liquid nicotine strength or without nicotine. There are a wide variety of flavors and nicotine strengths, which can be combined.

The batteries must be charged regularly and replace the deposits when they are empty. There are already aftermarket depots filled or empty depots that can be filled with the corresponding replenishing itself. Wasted deposits can be up to 4 times refill again.

Battery and atomizer wear out after a time and must be replaced. There are providers who give to these parts as part of your customer service as Gratisarktikel from a certain amount of replenisher or after a certain amount of filled depots.

The charger is in most cases from a 220 V charger with attached USB, are screwed to the battery for charging. Is very advantageous that you can use this USB to recharge its battery pack to the computer. That said this, it takes a little longer than with the conventional 220V charger in the socket.

The electronic cigarette does not require any special maintenance. It is only beneficial at intervals to clean the atomizer, as small dust particles may settle there and can lead to poor smoke – cigarette without smoke.

The use of the electronic cigarette is very easy. You build these smokeless cigarette together according to instructions. In principle, very simple, you just screw the battery along with the atomizer and put the full deposit on. After a few short trains – the so-called Anpaffen – that the atomizer has enough time to pull the liquid and then it can already start with the normal trains.

It should be taken in not more than the electronic cigarette in the conventional cigarette. Through stronger and more times pulling it may happen that more nicotine is inadvertently brought to them and it comes to headaches and nausea. If used properly – ie with a handle, like a conventional cigarette but this will not happen. It is only necessary to ensure that the electronic cigarette does not indicate when a normal cigarette would be to end and make sure that after about 15 trains a break should be taken once.

The depots of electronic cigarettes are of different sizes depending on the model. Depending on smoking behavior and tensile strength of the consumer and the model contains a depot between 15 and 30 conventional fags. The models take approximately 15 traditional cigarettes, are usually the slim models or mini cigarettes. The stronger of battery power and depot size models hold up to 30 traditional cigarettes in a depot, which is also often called this tank.